BAGOP Scholarships

The Boston Area Guild of Puppetry offers scholarships to help members attend puppetry festivals and workshops. Scholarship awards are determined by the Scholarship Committee, and are generally no more than $150.

Scholarship recipients must be a member in good standing of the Boston Area Guild of Puppetry. That means membership dues must be paid in the year the request is made. Recipient must report back to the committee on their experience at the festival or workshop, and if possible, also share their experience at a guild meeting or in an article for The Control Stick.

There are now two application cycles each year. The Spring application deadline is May 1st with scholarships awarded in June. The Fall cycle has a deadline of September 1st, with scholarships awarded in October. 

Please fill out the form below, which will be sent to the Scholarship Committee of Margaret Moody and Charlotte Dore. You may request more than once. Please know funds are limited.