About Us

Honk ParadePuppet LogoWelcome! The Boston Area Guild of Puppetry is a chartered guild of the Puppeteers of America (Chapter #9) since 1961. We are an organization of professional puppeteers and puppet enthusiasts located throughout the Boston area and beyond. We hold meetings at Puppet Showplace Theater or online to share knowledge and offer inspiration and support to professional and fledgling puppeteers alike.

We have a newsletter that comes out every other month, filled with news and articles about puppetry events.

We offer festival Scholarships to our members, as well as small Grants for new works.

We celebrate the World Day of Puppetry, and host other puppetry events and workshops for our members and the public.

Our group includes puppet builders, performers, educators, artists, musicians, dancers, and anyone interested in puppets. To learn more, you can come to one of our meetings, or contact our president John Lechner – john (at) fablevision.com.

Learn how to become a member!

BAGOP Board of Directors

(Elected each year in May, contact John Lechner if you’re interested in joining the board)

President – John Lechner
Co-Vice President – Honey Goodenough
Co-Vice President – Kurt Staven
Treasurer – Sarah Nolen
Recording Secretary – Leslie MacWeeney
Corresponding Secretary – Judith O’Hare
Membership Chair – Kurt Staven
Member At Large – Teresa Moler
Member At Large – Eric Bornstein
Member At Large – Anna Sobel