The Boston Area Guild of Puppetry is a chartered guild of the Puppeteers of America (Chapter #9) since 1961. We are an organization of professional puppeteers and puppet enthusiasts located throughout the upper New England area. We hold meetings several times a year at Puppet Showplace Theater, to share knowledge and ideas, and offer inspiration and support to professional and fledgling puppeteers alike.
Membership benefits include:
• Gatherings every other month, either in person or online, featuring puppetry lecturs, workshops, discussions and sharing
• Bi-monthly newsletter, packed with articles and news about local and national puppetry events
• Listing on our web Directory of puppeteers
• Email list to share news and events with other members
• Scholarships to national and regional festivals
• Grants to produce new puppetry works
• Discounts on workshops and special events
• Peer Reviews for works in progress
Plus a community of friendly people to share ideas and projects with. Won’t you join us?
Membership dues are on a sliding scale, suggested levels are listed below, but you can pay whatever you are able. Membership dues support our newsletter, meetings, programs, and scholarships to festivals.
$15 – Suggested for Students
$20 – Suggested for Individuals
$30 – Suggested for Individuals/Couples who wish to contribute more
$50 – Suggested for companies or institutions
$100 – Suggested for benefactors and patrons of the arts
~ 2 Ways to become a member ~
Our online payment system is currently not working. If you have a Paypal account, you can visit and send your membership dues to this address – treasurer (at), and include your name and contact information.
If you would rather pay by check, please download our Membership Form or send the following information with your payment to:
The Boston Area Guild of Puppetry
Attn: Treasurer
c/o Puppet Showplace Theater
32 Station Street
Brookline, MA 02445
NAME: ____________________________________________
ADDRESS: __________________________________________
PHONE: ___________________ CELL: ___________________
EMAIL: ___________________
BUSINESS: _______________________________
WEB SITE: __________________________________________
[ ] Are you a member of Puppeteers of America?
Any questions? Contact our current webmaster John Lechner.